I'm yet to upgrade to a 'walking desk' but I do find myself shifting my stance a lot so this is something I'll try out soon.
So, it's about 2 years since I modified my studio desk from a seated arrangement to a fixed standing one. While I haven't recorded any real data on productivity, I can offer some anecdotal findings. At first my feet and ankles would become fatigued so I bought a bar stool and modified this to be a little higher as the standing desk is a bit higher than a bar (to suit my height). Normally I use this seat for the first 5 minutes of a working session, then almost unconsciously I remove the seat as it simply feels far more comfortable to stand. My posture at the desk is far better and mental fatigue takes a lot longer to become noticeable. This mirrors Radio NZs' Simon Morton's findings in the podcast below which also explains a lot of the scientific findings around standing desks. I'm yet to upgrade to a 'walking desk' but I do find myself shifting my stance a lot so this is something I'll try out soon.
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Here's another video from Derek Sivers, pretty well sums up my intentions for Aeon Design. I bought Dereks book a while back which isn't so much a self-help business book, it's just him explaining how it worked for him. There's an important message here that reaffirms what I set out to do. Be useful. We put a lot of energy if developing real world solutions for real people and businesses. Aeon Design isn't Big-Big-Big but we're equipped with the know-how and resources which makes us extremely useful - and because of this we're growing. Here's a little video I've posted before on facebook but it has a message I like to remind myself of and share with anyone who creates anything themselves. |